Resources. . .
Let's face it, if we really are the 6-Day Church, then when you need something, most of the time it won't be on a Sunday! This section is our effort to provide you with the tools you may need be effective living out the Kingdom life wherever God has planted you.
. . .For Everyone
Bible Reading Resources
- Click HERE for the guidelines to study the Bible individually and in a group.
- YouVersion - hundreds Reading Plans in dozens of languages and Bible versions
- Desktop Website
- On your mobile device, a free Bible
- Read the entire Bible In ONE Year
- Read the New Testament In 30 Days
- Bible Research Tools
Right Now Media
RightNow Media is the "Netflix of Christian Discipleship Resources." We believe the mission of the church matters. Everything we do is rooted in Jesus’ promise that God will use his people to change the world. We’re here to serve the church. We provide Christians across the globe with resources that will inspire them to champion the mission Jesus gave to his people—making disciples of all nations. God calls us to focus our lives on him rather than on ourselves. Whether in church, in the workplace, or at home, we want to see disciples of Jesus loving God and loving others. These can be watched on your mobile device, desktop or on your smart TV.
- Contact if you are interested in getting access or
- text 41411 to "RightNow TheBeacon"
Advent/Christmas Resources
Be intentional with how you celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Gift Resources:
- A booklet put together to help parents wade through the Santa Claus Dilemma
- More information from the St. Nickolas Center
- Advent Calendar
- See Social Conscious Giving for more gift ideas
Internet Accountability has a great free program for internet accountability as well as a free app that provides accountability while surfing the web on your phone. The application records the questionable material on a site along with the date and time it was visited and sends the information to your designated accountability partners. If you're looking for a tool to help filter questionable material and safeguard your surfing, look HERE.
Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN)
The EEN is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate, inspire, and mobilize Christians in their effort to care for God's creation, to be faithful stewards of God's provision, and to advocate for actions and policies that honor God and protect the environment. EEN's work is grounded in the Bible's teaching on the responsibility of God's people to 'tend the garden' and publishes materials to equip and inspire individuals, families, and churches, seeking to educate and mobilize people to make a difference in their churches and communities, and to speak out on national and international policies that affect our ability to preach the Gospel, protect life, and care for God's creation. Look Here.
. . .For Your Family
Tru Resources
- HomeFront Magazine - a monthly resource that gives parents ideas on how to create fun, spiritually forming times in their home--even inthe midst of their busy lives. This digital magazine can be sent right to your inbox each month, making it easy for parents and grandparents to shape a vibrant faith in the lives of their children
- Spiritual Parenting - a program that many in the Beacon family have gone through, offered once a year to those interested.
Discipleship & Growth Resources
The Beacon offers you a free membership and access to the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" with over 20,000 of discipleship, educational and children's video content from top authors, speakers and conferences. These can be watched on your mobile device, desktop or on your smart TV.
- Contact if you are interested in getting access or
- text 41411 to "RightNow TheBeacon"
. . .For GO>>Communities
Book Recommendations
There are just some books that rock your world. It is our desire to let you know about books that will be relevant in a particular sermon series or other books that will always be life-changers. Feel free to let us know what you think about them.
Here are some books that will always be life-changers:
- The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
- The New Reformation by David Ogden
- The Call by Os Guinness
- The Soul of Ministry by Ray Anderson
- 7 Effective Ministry Practices by Andy Stanley
- Kingdom Ethics by Stassen & Gushee
- The Sacred Way by Tony Jones
- The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard
- The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henry Nowen
- Mudhouse Sabbath by Lauren Winter
- A Passion For Souls - D.L. Moody by Paul Dorsett
- The Master Jesus by John Pollock
- The Apostle Paul by John Pollock
- Wild At Heart by John Edlridge